Fodder is something that is easily killed e.g. a rabbit
aka FishType1

Age 29, Female

Sussex, UK

Joined on 1/14/06

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Ahh, I was just making that last bit up, but I'm sure there's a video of him doing some kinda conceited victory dance with Moochelle somewhere in the world..
Sorry to hear about the hangnail, those can be tricky. Yeah, best let it heal up, trim it so it doesn't eat socks, see what happens..

I actually managed to pull all of the ingrowing toenail out this morning with clippers, feels so satisfying. Whats the video called anyway?

It was just a joke man! There's videos of him at various functions and talk shows, mostly before he got elected (if you can call what we got here democracy, that is).

What's been buggin' me lately: Why has the Administration has been pumping up this Martin/Zimmerman murder, within a day of its happening? Our dept. of justice sent rabble-rousers (paid Federal employees) to Florida, to set up the press, demonstrations and protests... all of which is documented!!

Just wonder how long the DOJ had been waiting, for a case like this to happen....

They were probably waiting for something big like this to happen to they can push their agenda. Pretty normal for governments to do this honestly, they love manipulating the media. Im not sure why its such a big case though since it was pretty clear what happened.

If cattle sense fear, they will stampede. Tried it once, took a slight bit of doing, as these beasts are used to being ignored or herded... yup, lotta muscle there. I guess keeping the sheep from turning into cattle is a full-time job... too bad those are drying up quick, outside our government.

Obamacare requires the employers of full-time employees (now only 30 hours a week), to pay their healthcare share... which is substantial. So if everyone hires employees at, say, 24 hours a week, the employee will have to work two 2 or 3 jobs to pay out of pocket, for their healthcare payments. The unemployed and disabled will also pay out of pocket. All the billing and rationing is being controlled... by the IRS, our tax demons.

I dont know why America doesnt have healthcare like in other developed countries. If it were like in America and I didnt have insurance, me and my mum would be bankrupt by now. Most people dont get sick often so I dont see why a relatively small tax for guaranteed healthcare like here is that much of a big deal.

Especially when there are a lot of uninsured people in America who would have to pay loads more than their healthcare is worth just because the hospitals and insureres are massively greedy and control an oligopoly so they charge what they want. But that doesnt seem like it will change anytime soon as they all use their money to persuade voters and politicians to vote against stuff like it. Same goes for the NRA and sensible gun laws.

And then there are the Americans who dont know what socialism is, dont get me started on them.

All fair points and well informed. Socialism can be a good thing, but anytime we tried doing it (after WWII), the corporations step in and tell us citizens, "We're doing this for you." and reap all the rewards and keeps their stockholders happy... it's not that different than what you see in the Robocop series, as OCP defers to stockholders, not citizens!

We pioneered socialism 200 years ago, at a local level, where it could work at its finest, the Common Cause we called it (as opposed to the American Dream, that's a newer, more selfish term). 100 years ago, our finest socialists got shot, hung and exiled to Canada, because of greedy industrialists wanting to keep more of the money. We wanted unions and a better standard of living for all, they wanted pure capitalism, dog eat dog. And they're still at it.

The IRS is a mess of arbitrary tax code, and has a frightening scope. Your civil rights mean nothing to them, and if you decide to fight, they will probably win, although most cases get thrown out of court on appeal, because they suck at interpreting their own code. They're just in it for the money.

We just don't have a clue how this old Hillary Clinton plan from the 90's, is going to work, and neither does anyone in authority! It's like piling 10 tons of paper into a lorry that can only handle 7 tons. And the frame is cracked badly, the driver doesn't like right wingers or Tea Partiers, and the staff party like it's 1999 |:

Interesting, ive never heard of this Common Cause before. Funny how much its turned around now.

Why do people let the companies influence them with their marketing strategies (both political and consumerist ones), ill never know. The companies have loads of money and loads of lobbyists and use their money to do almost anything they want. And im not sure why america gives their tax collectors so much power. Id never be able to live in america because the fact that these groups have so much power would annoy me greatly.



Yeah, the name/ethic Common Cause got hijacked recently, but used to mean: we all did for one another and for America. We were all the same in the beginning. Now there's social/political/financial status, privilege, ethnic classification.... I know after major conflicts, the winners write the history, but our founding fathers (and their ideals) were honored right alongside the Lord of Hosts.


I bet theyre rolling in their graves. The USA is almost as Brazil with castes and whatever, its just with money rather than race. And even the poor people seem to not want to change it!

I know a few Brazilians here! At least they woke up, or starting to. In the States, we've been set upon by bigger plans... it's the only way to account, for all the things that divide our people: age, race, money, coveting people places and things... we're still a generous sort, but it's been marginalized by an engineered value system.

Winning 2 world wars, without them being on our own soil (and making some profitable loans to the battered countries involved) made us complacent, then the hippies were complacent at a 90 degree angle to their parents. And my generation.... just got hooked on pharmaceutical drugs...."Just Say No!" Mr. T and Nancy Reagan said in the 80's. Any time you tell a kid "no", he's gonna try it!!

Yeah, all smells of a setup. Pandering to bad ethics doesn't make any sense for upstanding industries, or in Obama's case, government. Tough to say that, but he's fucked up so badly and so often (as commander in chief), he should bought up on charges... but our attorney general should be going on trial first! The Mexican government's heaviest law, is that no guns come from the North, and he (the atty general) authorized an illegal act that bought thousands of guns to Mexican gangs! Blam that piece of crap!

I wouldnt say it would make very much sense though. A lot of people really are stupid enough to follow a tv advert that tells them not to take drugs. What was the gun law thing about?

Well if they were doing it to eventually try and catch as many as possible its not really the same thing. Even if they did fail pretty badly, the thought still counts.

Oh, and here's some things from my distant past, when weird little government funded propaganda groups, began running ads like this, for a multitude of social agendas <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub_a2t0ZfTs">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub_a2t0ZfTs</a> Although, I think this one got me to try the stuff <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHE-rlKADF8">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHE-rlKADF8</a> A lot of drugs still come up from Mexico btw... it's a twisted web, to be sure.

Arent those done by pressure groups? Pressure groups are always massively corrupt, I wish they didnt exist. Obviously cannabis isnt much of a big deal either, I think governments just want it gone because people are less likely to work if they take it. They always go for shock adverts too, and they always look stupid. The only ones that have a point usually are the anti-cigarette ones.

Sorry to spam, but this is the article I should've dropped in your lap (if at all) <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATF_gunwalking_scandal">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATF_gunwalking_sc andal</a> Guess I just wanna make sure you know the US is all set to go sideways, and in grand, destructive style (as usual). Congress only needs one public relations issue, it can lock onto the people's outrage....

Nice tunes. They made a lot of good tunes.... *drifts off, walking towards incoming traffic*

Well to me it sounds like a potentially good idea gone really bad, if they were able to track them well it would work well, but clearly they cant. I guess how bad it is mostly depends on how many guns were lost.

What kind of music do you like?

Woody Guthrie to old man Ozzy I guess, prog-rock, heavy metal, even that cheesy Casio music from my formative years in the mid 80's.. and rap from 1992 and before. After 92, there was a noticeable escalation of violent, woman demeaning crap. A few years ago I saw a documentary on the very subject and year the music changed - vindication of my neuroses!

I like all that too. Most hip hop isnt like that though, most of it is just about day to day stuff, and I quite like that. I seem to especially like 90s music for some reason.

Hip-hop...was gonna say R+B, but knew that wasn't right.... yeah, some decent stuff there, but who likes to be confined by labels? I know Viper50 personally, he said there's a 20th edition of Nirvana's Nevermind coming out.. supposed to be quite awesome.

Well most music can be easily labelled as one or two genres, usually very tightly too.

Is the album going to be a remaster? Remasters can be quite horrible.

<a href="http://viper50.newgrounds.com/">http://viper50.newgrounds.com/</a> ask him in the Metal Hell thread or on his blog! He saw a great show last month, if you scroll down, you'll see my take on his experiences...

I prefer more extreme metal lol

Oh yeah, try some early Otep <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfLnDUPmP4s">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfLnDUPmP4s</a>
or Six Feet Under <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxBACaxbfzQ">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxBACaxbfzQ</a>

Both bands kinda suck now, but you can't deny the tinsel strength.......


lol that song is so unintentionally hilarious and I think the band is quite bad too, cannibal corpse is better to be honest

also the first video is unavailable



Gotta love the new fonts, huh Nor? Can't blank post anymore tho....

Figured you'd like the anti-cop tune (or cock, if the police should catch you listening), they do okay at covers. Hmm, how about Propain?
Otep's early stuff is quite awesome sauce. Think her latest album's okay too, have yet to give it a listen yet.

isnt otep mallcore lol

Yeah Vica! (can I call you that?)
They are letting me express my true self :)

yew wut meit?
u havn a laff?
ill vica u vica cong



____██wsposts to____██
____██ke over newgrounds!

this is the sevkitty hammer
post this in 3 newsposts to take over newgrounds!

2 L8 M8

And that's number 3.,,,,,

The other 2 were zag and yert :)


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