I See youre a big fan of wario as well as nintendo
overall the gameplay wasnt as great as i expected due to the lack of friction and intensity like the original, but it still is a good game. I see you like wario aswell because of the second level on adventure. The silly thing about this is that you can jump a whole level whithout hitting or being hurt but when you want to jump high you cant. Theres also a lot of glitches aswell and that makes me a sad panda :-( .i think it could be better with 3d graphics to create a feeling of control and as if youre there and also to create feeling. I also think you should add better attack controls to fight with so you dont keep bashing the same button until it breaks and wondering what random moves gonna come out next. 10 for sound because its the actual music in the game and im just wondering.....WHERE DID YOU GET THAT MUSIC COS IT COULDNT HAVE BEEN RECORDED BECAUSE ITS TOO SMOTH AND SHARP, so the question round up is... WHERE DID YOU GET THE MUSIC + SOUND EFFECTS?!?!?!!??! Oh yeah its a great game but not the best you can get. I think you should practise a bit more and maybe try 3d. 7.5/10 (i rounded it up on overall because it wouldnt let me do a decimal)